Sikh Motorcycle Club has been founded on the beliefs and ideals of the Sikh Religion (“Manas Ki Jaat Sabeh Ekey Pechchanbo, meaning Recognize the Human Race as One”) and aspires to spread the ideology of “to love and live in harmony”. We enhance communication and initiate discussions with all our fellow Canadians to bring awareness and understanding about the Sikh Religion and the significance of the Turban. The club grew substantially over the years and the people who used to give us the middle finger and yell at us, now wave at us instead. That one finger is now joined with other four fingers in a wave.
The Sikh Motorcycle Club was the first of its kind in the world with now chapters across globe. The club came into existence due to the former efforts of Mr. Avtar Sing Dhillon, who on July 7th 1999, after many years of campaigning and educating governmental organizations, earned the right for practising Sikhs who wear Turban to be exempt from mandatory Helmet Laws in the Province of British Columbia while riding a motorcycle.
The Club was established in 2002 when a popular Punjabi radio broadcaster from Surrey BC, Harjinder Singh Thind, invited a small group of motorcycle enthusiasts to make a documentary on Sikh Motorcyclists who wore Turbans while riding their free- wheeling motorcycles.

In 2003, this group began meeting on a regular basis and started participating in local rides under the banner of “Royal Enfield Riders.” A few months later, they decided to inaugurate the “Sikh Motorcycle Club.” Amritpal Singh Randhawa, Kulwinder Singh Khangura, Avtar Singh Gill, Malkit Singh Rai and Bhupinder Singh were the founding members of this club.
Since then, the club began holding regular meetings and started organizing rides throughout the spring and summer seasons. Additionally, as the club has grown over the last few years, the club members have committed to participating in community charity events and began outreach efforts to other community organizations. Our club is committed to promote road safety through collaborative efforts with the motorcycle communities and other non-profit organizations.
Today, there are over 100 members in the Sikh Motorcycle Club from all over British Columbia, and the club continues to grow.
Thank you for visiting our web-site. Feel free to explore more of what we are and what we do!

Sikh means ‘disciple’ or ‘learner’ who is monotheistic and stresses the equality of all men and women. Sikhs believe in three basic principles; (1)meditating on the name of God (praying), (2)earning a living by honest means and (3)sharing with others. Sikhism rejects caste and class systems and emphasizes service to humanity.
A motor vehicle with two wheels in the same plane designed to convey people. For some it is impractical & uncomfortable, for us it washes the dust of everyday life. In a 4-wheeler you are a passive observer and everything is in a boring frame whereas on a 2-wheeler the frame is gone, you are in the scene and the sense of presence is overwhelming.
An association of like-minded people dedicated to a particular interest or activity. If you become part of our family, you will realize there are no strangers, only Friends that you have not met yet.